Archive for the ‘wellness’ Category

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Hi Guys! Its been a while since my last post and even my last race. I wanted to let you know that I am officially registered for the Michelob Ultra Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon happening on November 9, 2014. So its been a while since my last race actually. I’ve taking on a lot of work responsibilities and currently finishing up grad school but nevertheless thats no excuse. I’m excited for this run and I know it will be fun and eventful which will help me to get back on track!

Here is a link to the course map. Check it out and let me know what you think (It’s on the water).

I also have my eye set on Palm Beach Marathon on Dec 7, 2014 as well as the Miami Marathon on Jan 25, 2014. If you have been following me for a while or have read my previous blog post you know that I’m all for setting goals and sticking to them. Without goals its hard to improve and to share experiences with others.

Respond back to this post and let me know how you are doing with your Health and Fitness endeavors! Looking forward to it.




How’s it going everyone?! Its been a while since my last post, life has been very busy and I’ve been trying to accomplish some very challenging professional goals. Nevertheless, I am still here and hope that your nutritional and fitness goals are going well. Please let me know whats new with you. What is working and what can be improved? Looking forward to hearing your responses.

As for me, I have been lacking a little bit on my running but I am focusing on getting back in shape. I got some new winter gear, shirts, socks, shoes and shirts. I’m going to aim to run 3-4 times a week and lift weights 3 times a week. The weather is cooling off nicely here in Tampa, FL which makes for a better run in my opinion.

I’m scheduled to run a half marathon on Dec 7, 2013 in Orlando with my friend Matt who has never run a half before. So I’ll be running with him and pushing him through. Sometimes we need that encouragement from others to accomplish certain things. I am also set to run the Miami marathon on Feb 2, 2014 which will be really fun. So I have some serious training to do. I’ll keep you posted on the results from both runs.



Ok. We all know that being obese has certain medical complications (If not check out the above diagram). According to the LAtimes on June 18, 2013 the American Medical Association has declared obesity a disease. The move by the American Medical Assn. board means that one-third of adults (78 million) and 17% of children (12 million) in the U.S. have a medical condition that requires treatment. Hmmmmm.

I really would like to hear your feedback regarding this decision. Do you think obesity should be considered a disease? I thought  obesity just meant being at least 30 pounds overweight. What will happen with health insurance rates if in fact one-third of adults and 17% of children in the U.S will need treatment?

I used to be 30 pounds overweight and so has many other people but I wouldn’t say that I had a disease. I was able to workout and eat right to lose the weight. Since this decision was made many reputable sources have removed their definition of what a disease is.


Which picture do you think most people are fueling their bodies with? The left or right? 

How do you like the images above? Pretty cool right….Well Yes and No. We all have heard of the term “You are what you eat” and it is a really true statement. The two pictures above really puts this saying into perspective. It took me a while to realize that the kinds of food that I ate either had a negative or positive effect on my health and physical performance. I’m not perfect, there are sometimes I will eat junk food when hanging out with close friends or if I am celebrating an occasion but I am sure to get back on track the next day.

Foods that are whole and natural are full of vitamins and nutrients that supply our bodies with energy and the fuel it needs for maximum performance, weight loss, and healthy blood sugar levels. Foods that are processed such as fast food, potato chips, cookies, and sodas does just the opposite. The body is not designed to digest processed, junk and fake foods and when it does most of all of it is stored as fat. Yes, this food can be worked off but you would probably have to triple or even quadruple your workout times just to burn off the calories. Is it really worth it?

Ultimately, it is ok to have cheat food from time to time but we should not make it apart of our daily eating routine. Some people like myself have it bad. Once I start eating bad its kind of tough to turn it off therefore I don’t do it much. On another note, some people can have one slice of pie and be perfectly fine after that. Fast food nutrition should make up a very minimal part of a healthy diet. Fast foods and junk foods are high in fat, sodium and sugar, which can lead to obesity and a wide range of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.

Benefits of healthy eating

  • Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.
  • Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancers.
  • Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
  • Eating vegetables and fruits rich in potassium as part of an overall healthy diet may lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.
  • Eating foods such as vegetables that are lower in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake.

Negative Effects on junk food

Junk food is often high in sugar, salt, white flour, and fat, particularly saturated fat. It is often heavily processed and prepackaged, making it easy to prepare and consume. A few examples of foods often considered to be junk food include fast food, sweets such as ice cream, candy, donuts, and prepackaged treats, soda, and potato chips, among many others. Most people have no trouble identifying junk food; it is when they want to stop eating junk food that the trouble starts.

The first effect of eating junk food is its impact on energy levels. Many people skip breakfast or other meals throughout the day, choosing instead to grab a quick snack or a soft drink. The junk food causes energy levels to spike, which people like, but then energy levels will quickly plummet, sending one back into the kitchen for another quick snack. In addition, junk food can cause moodiness, and make it difficult to get enough sleep at night, so energy levels are never restored to normal.

So I encourage you today to start thinking about the foods that you eat and how they will benefit your health and your physical performance before you eat it. If you are about to eat a piece a cake, think of all the nutritional benefits that it has…… which is probably zero unless it is a Paleo cake :). If it doesn’t have any benefits then you may want to choose a better alternative.

Thanks for reading as always,



This is probably the most depressing blog topics that I have written about in two years. As many of you are aware, two explosives were detonated at the finish line during the Boston Marathon today 04/15/2013. I am not writing this blog to report the news and give you politics or the facts, however I am writing this to express my condolences to those that are no longer with us and those who are severely injured. All of our prayers and thoughts at LJay Health goes out to families of the victims, the Boston community, running family and the nation as a whole.

The Boston Marathon is like the Super Bowl for many runners and everyone works very hard to get there. Unfortunately the glory and victory was taken away from the athletes who ran the marathon today. Who would have ever thought that someone would intentionally plant explosive devices at a marathon, it definitely caught everyone off guard.

I have ran 5 marathons to date, 30 miles this past Sunday and running the Boston marathon was in my future. Considering the events that happened today, I am not really sure how I feel at this point in time. It is really a heart felt moment for myself and millions of other people. It is important that we not live in fear but to be very cautious in everything we do.

One thing that we can take away from this tragedy is to remember to cherish life and be there for one another. I want to leave you with a quote that I was inspired by especially after today.

Live, Love, and cherish Life. Make friends, memories, and plans. Your life is about you, but life is not about you. Fall in love. Love the fall and winter and spring and summer. Ski, skate, sing and dance. Smell the rain and the chocolate chip cookies. Take all the time you need, but don’t waste it. Catch the big one with your dad. Go on a trip with your mom. Love children, for you were once one. Learn from your elders, and one day you’ll have their wisdom. Seek the truth. Find it in yourself, others, and in your faith. Be patient and gentle. Most of all truly live.

Leave a comment and let me know how you are feeling even if its just to vent.



Hi all,

I am very excited to be running the Marine Corps Marathon this year on October 27, 2013. As you may have heard registration day for this event was absolutely bananas. The marathon sold out in less than 2.5 hours with about 30,000 runners participating. Luckily this year I will be running with The Little Things for Cancer charity group which is awesome! We have roughly 25 members of the charity who will all be running the marathon and raising the awareness for this cause.

The Little Things for Cancer charity group provide funds for services for cancer patients and their caregivers. The Little Things differs from many other organizations in that they offer support to people affected by all types of cancer, not just one specific type.

I am on a mission to raise $1500 if not more for the charity group. I am asking all of my support group, family, and friends etc to help me in raising funds for such a great cause and charity organization. I have included a link below where all donations can be made. All of the proceeds will go directly to the charity.


Thanks for all of your support over the years!


LJay Health!


The LA Marathon on 03/17/2013 makes my 4th marathon. I expected to finish in 3:45:00 however I was not expecting all the hills in LA which slowed me down just a little. Almost 25,000 runners showed up for the event which is pretty awesome. My training for the marathon consisted of 3-4 runs a week with weight training on my off days. My eating was really good and I made sure to avoid anything that wasnt healthy. I can really tell a difference in my runs when I eat good and when I don’t. I flew across the country all the way from Florida to California. However, I met people who were from Australia, Europe and Africa in LA just to run the marathon.


The Course

The LA Marathon course was pretty eventful. We ran through all the major attractions such as the Dodger Stadium, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Downtown LA and Santa Monica beach. If you haven’t ran the course before I highly recommend it but be sure to train for hills 🙂 One thing that I also liked is that there was a huge support system from locals, family members and friends. About 90% of the race was filled with spectators cheering the runners on and handing out food and water. I think that all the cheering keeps the runners motivated! The weather was cool and overcast which made for an even better race.


Unfortunately, I didn’t see any celebrities running the race but I heard some were in disguise. I did do a little site seeing at Huntington Beach, Santa Monica beach, Long Beach, Hollywood, Downtown LA, Rodeo Dr, and Marina Del Ray. My friends Jim, Sam and I took a tour with the TMZ show which was really fun. We spotted all the celebrity hang out spots, restaurants and gyms. Amanda from the TMZ show was our tour guide…I gotta tell you she is something else and very funny.


What’s Next for LJay? 

I am training for marathon #5 in Nashville on April 27,2013 and a 50K (31 miles) in May. People ask me all the time “Why do you keep running marathons?” To me, that is a very tough question to answer but deep down inside I do it because it makes me happy and I love running. Everyone has their thing that they enjoy like golfing, fishing, skiing, hiking etc…and mine is running!

What’s Next for you?? Comment and let us know…I look forward to it. 

LA Marathon


It’s always interesting to see the studies done on processed foods and how they compare to natural whole foods. In the photo above the watermelon aged as time went by representing that it is a natural food from the earth. On the flip side, the burger and fries did not age as time went by and as a matter of fact it looked exactly the same 180 days later.

When we eat processed foods like burger, fries, vending machine foods, cookies, chips, soda etc our bodies have a hard time processing the food as energy therefore stores the food as fat and toxins in the body.

Foods that are natural, whole and from nature like fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, and lean meats are better absorbed by the body and used as fuel for energy.

Why not look good from the inside out rather than from the outside in. Incorporating more natural food in the diet helps improve skin tone, eye sight, improve chronic diseases, and helps with sleep patterns.

I use to have bad skin before eating more natural foods and would be so focused on buying skin care products and going to see the dermatologist to apply chemicals to my skin. Nothing would really work, I saw a little improvement but didn’t get the results I wanted. When I started eating foods like spinach, broccoli, carrots, nuts, berries and fruits and drinking water I started to notice that my skin tone improved drastically. Blemishes were gone, oily skin reduced, and pimples didn’t appear anymore.

What kind of improvements have you noticed while eating whole foods?

Remember eat to live and not live to eat. Correct the issues starting from the inside out and make this a great year to improve your health!

Thanks for reading as always,

LJay Health