Posted: March 23, 2013 in Uncategorized

Another runner who has changed herself through running! Awesome progress

The Possibilist Runner

That girl on the left was me just two years ago.


I was pushing 200 lbs when I realized I needed to make some BIG changes. I joined MyFitnessPal & lost over 70 lbs in about a year & have been maintaining since.

How did I do it? I logged my food on MFP to track calories, ate healthier, & started exercising for the first time in my life. It was actually very simple, challenging & a lot of hard work, but completely worth it! I went from extremely lazy to loving distance running in a relatively short amount of time. Now, looking back, I have no idea how I lived such a sedentary life for so long. I feel so much happier & alive now!

In the past year I’ve completed Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, & Six Week 6-Pack. I’ve completed the Couch-2-5k program &…

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  1. twoark says:

    Wow what an inspiration! You should be sooooo proud, you look amazing

  2. Myloverswife says:

    Beautiful before and after. Great job…keep moving!

  3. dennarr says:

    Congrats on the accomplishment and keeping it going!

  4. Alycia says:

    Thank you for re-blogging this… She looks amazing. It’s really inspirational as well since I’m hovering around 200 at the moment… I KNOW I can get down to a healthy weight!

    • L-Jay Health says:

      You can do it Alycia! Just like she did, you can do the same! My biggest advice is to set small goals and stay focused. Every time you reach a goal, reward yourself then start on the next one.

  5. Amy @ Healthy and Fit for Real says:

    Amazing job!

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