How to Perform the Burpee

Posted: June 25, 2012 in cardio, diet, exercise, fitness, gym, Health, metabolism, wellness, workout

This is a really good Crossfit endurance movement that gets your heart rate up and blood flowing. If you have never done the Burpee before, take your time with this movement until it feels comfortable. I usually perform 2-3 rounds of 20-30 Burpee’s before I start my workout and finish with another 20-30. The Burpee can be done at any fitness level. Find your pace and incorporate this movement into your workout routine!

Beginners: Start from a pushup position and then jump up.

Intermediate: Jump down into a pushup position and then jump up

Advanced: Jump down into a pushup position and then jump up with a clap.


  • Strength training
  • Aerobic exercise
  • Flexibility
  • Weight loss
  • Tone muscles
  • Inexpensive 🙂

Thanks for watching and reading as always! -LJAY HEALTH- Be Inspired

  1. artymism says:

    Thank you for that, LOL…I saw the word “burpee” earlier today and was like what the hey…? Sounds like something for children. “Hey, hun, did you remember to pack Jr’s burpee rags?” Didn’t have time to look it up then, so when I saw your twitter post about it, I had to check it out!

  2. The on exercise I love to hate

  3. junkmile says:

    I have tried them, I broke the 2 large Metatarsal bones in one of my feet about 1 1/2 ago. Anything that involves bending that foot (push ups, lunches and sadly burpee’s) shoots pain up the foot. Been doing exercises to strengthen the muscles. Hopefully one day will get to do them.

  4. judysp says:

    An amazing blog it’s good to have the video to be able to see how these exercises work. Thank you so much for following my blog judysp.wordpress. com your support is much appreciated. Happy Blogging cheers Judy 🙂

  5. x24mccoy says:

    Thanks for the tip! i hadn’t considered doing them as a warm-up or bracketing my workouts with them. I found a burpee workout called “burpee 28s” from Funk MMA. It combines 4 variations on the burpee into HIIT or Tabatha’s intervals. I think I’ll try it tomorrow and see how it goes.

  6. Kia says:

    Thanks for the video, you make it look so easy. Burpees are a struggle for me, but I think reading variations will help me build to a full burpee slowly.

  7. great exercise!! I just did them yesterday 🙂 keep it up!

  8. […] How to Perform the Burpee « L-Jay Health. […]

  9. Carli McK says:

    Burpees have always been the bane of my existence (melodramatic? Yes, but so are burpees)…. BUT what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger and yields great results!

  10. AndrewGills says:

    I hate burpees! I have 2 x 2 minute sets in the Tough Mudder training circuit and I hate hate hate them. Everything else is fine but burpees make me want to yack (excuse the graphic phrase). That said, I agree they are probably really good for our bodies 😉

  11. Darlene says:

    Oh man… I remember doing these in school! When I read burpees, I knew exactly what you were talking about. Thanks for stopping by my blog as I get on the fitness wagon!

  12. kitteakat35 says:

    Thank you for the demonstration, I know I probably can’t even do 1, but ya gotta start somewhere. 🙂

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